Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy Busy

Oy, do I feel like an adult.
Work has been really busy, and between working on Holiday presents ( Well, Christmas, since despite not being christian nor most of my family really.....I count myself a secular Christmas celebrator since many of my favorite memories are around Christmas traditions) and trying ti keep the home fires burning I have been completely overwhelmed.
Poor Z. I am sure I have been extra crabby and very difficult to be around.
Fall is truly here with frost warnings and falling leaves. I am pulling out my sweaters and thinking about starting the weekly loaf of bread baking again.
The CSA has been wonderful--more and more lovely things every week.
This week:
Bok Choi
Cheddar Cauliflower (this is a mind blower....cauliflower the color of a nicely aged yellow cheddar!)
the first winter squash.
I am going to host Thanksgiving this year, and am going to do my best to have it local (with a few exceptions--like the wine and the dessert a friend is bringing).
I have the opportunity to get bulk amounts of tomatoes from the CSA and can them, but I am leery of the extra work. I should, though, as I have not canned anything this year--no pickles, no jelly, no nothing!
Oh well....slowly settling into eating local, job getting more intense and the realities of a long term relationship. I should cut myself some slack.

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